【全国発送】リキッド マサラ:ネパール山椒“ティムル” マサラー油 LIQUID MASALA Nepal
ネパール山椒“ティムル” マサラー油®︎は、コリアンダー・カルダモン・ティムル(ネパール山椒)などを中心に9種のスパイスと、ジンブー(ヒマラヤ原産の行者ニンニクの一種)・生唐辛子・ニンニクなどをブレンド。
DHARMAḥ のリキッド マサラは、様々なカレーの特徴的な風味にフィーチャーし、スパイスごとに最適な抽出温度で米胚芽油に香りを重ねた、スパイスたっぷりの食べるマサラー油。普段の料理に加えるだけで、エスニックで癖になる刺激的なアクセントが添えられる。
製造者:株式会社One’s Spiritus 〒152-0032東京都目黒区平町1-26-13 MKM都立大1F
栄養成分表示(100gあたり):エネルギー639kcal、たんぱく質2.6g、脂質64.8g、炭水化物13.9g、食塩相当量2g 〈推定値〉
Nepalese Pepper "Timur" Liquid Masala
Dive into the blend of 9 spices, centered around coriander, cardamom, and "Timur" (Nepalese pepper). The blend also includes Jimbu (a type of Himalayan garlic), fresh chili peppers, and garlic. Timur offers a distinctive citrus scent, reminiscent of the natural fragrance of oranges in the citrus family. Enjoy the sharp, refreshing zest similar to blue oranges and the delightful exotic flavors of Jimbu.
Gluten-Free, Vegan-Friendly
Dairy-Free and Egg-Free
DHARMAḥ Liquid Masala:
Featuring the distinctive flavors of various curries, DHARMAḥ Liquid Masala is a spice-infused eating masala oil. Each spice is meticulously blended at the optimal extraction temperature into rice germ oil, creating a masala oil rich in spices. A simple addition to your everyday cooking that adds an ethnic and addictive touch.
Product Information:
Ingredients: Rice germ oil, garlic, coriander seeds, cardamom, ginger, Timur (Nepalese Sichuan pepper), other spices, rock salt, chili peppers, Jimbu
Content: 90g
Shelf Life: 1 year from the manufacturing date (Products with a shelf life of more than 6 months will be shipped)
Storage: Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Consume promptly after opening.
Manufacturer: One's Spiritus Co., Ltd., 1-26-13 MKM Toritsudai 1F, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0032
Nutritional Information (per 100g): Energy 639kcal, Protein 2.6g, Fat 64.8g, Carbohydrates 13.9g, Salt equivalent 2g (Estimated values)